Tuesday, April 7, 2009

my room

Clean and tidy, just the way I like it. That and I needed to vacuum so I cleaned. Also, I didn't want to mess up my sleep schedule so I had to find things to do so that I didn't nap. And now I can show off my collage wall (semi-in progress).

It looks tiny this way, IRL it fills up the wall more. Especially since the bookcase is immediately to the right and the wall is 2 feet to the left. Just below it you can see the tip of the corner of my body pillow. I can't really stand back enough to get that full image since then I would be in my desk. Whatevs. I think the fabrics I've put up are a good mix of ideas. I'm thinking about a long rectangle or a couple more like the tatoo rectangle. Not sure, what do you think?

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If you don't have something nice to say, well, don't say it