Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Yay Christmas!

Right now I'm nice and cozy in the apartment working on a candy cane striped scarf. I forget how tedious crocheting stripes is but it will be worth it to add to my collection for the Holiday Bazaar. It will be the first time I've been involved in a craft fair, the Idle Hands Holiday Bazaar should be exciting. I've worked on some themed stuff, sewn ornaments and warm accessories. I'm also pretty nervous. I hope it's not a bust. I've also decided to finally put some things up on etsy. Whatever is left from the bazaar will go up, and maybe a couple other things I won't be taking with me. Wish me luck and soon I'll post a project, I promise!

If you can make it or tell a friend the bazaar is from 3pm to 8pm with a showing of Handmade Nation @8.